Could your website handle a Black Friday shopping euphoria?

Could your website handle a Black Friday shopping euphoria?

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Did you know that scalability problems on critical days likely cost businesses millions of dollars?

The statistic shows that several major eCommerce websites experienced lengthy outages due to high traffic volume, while others loaded so slowly that shoppers moved on to competitors.

Some of the leading causes of website slowdowns include: Third-party website components/apps, Overburdened APIs, Servers with lack of scalability unequipped for peak traffic, and Web pages with slow loading times resulting from too many graphics components.

Facts: predicts that 2019 Black Friday online spending will surpass $12 billion this year. Of the shoppers they surveyed, 61% plan to do most of their holiday shopping online.

With all the online shopping for Black Friday deals, one thing is almost guaranteed: your site will experience a spike in traffic.

To take advantage of this flurry of activity, e-commerce owners must be aware of its bad side. Whatever you do, make sure that the caching your hosting uses, is compatible with e-shop. For example, imagine you have item that’s low on stock, and we all know how Black Friday is. You don’t want to be the guy telling a (new) customer that there was an issue with your website and by mistake you sold him an item that you don’t have in stock. We wouldn’t like to be under your skin if the customer purchased a Christmas gift for their children.

What’s the solution?

Forward-thinking retailers must be aware of:

  • Get a professional hosting provider. With an option to get a better hosting plan with few clicks.
  • Make sure the company that maintained your website is on standby and ready to react in case there is something wrong with the website.
  • Make sure you have backup hourly (only for the black Friday weekend)
  • Enjoy your turkey and revenue! 😉